Huntington Psychological Services | Pasadena

Learning Disability Testing and Assessment

We specialize in comprehensive learning disability testing and assessments for children and adults

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Are You or Your Child Struggling With a Learning Disability?

  • Have you been experiencing frustration related to academic issues and work performance?
  • Are persistent learning challenges holding you back from achieving your hopes and dreams?
  • Do you want to get more support and accommodations, but you don’t know where to start?

Maybe you suspect that you’re dealing with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, or another learning disability. Or perhaps you’re wondering if another underlying condition—such as ADHD, anxiety, or problems with visual-motor coordination—is impacting your cognitive abilities. You might be struggling to keep up in school or stay on top of certain tasks at work. As a result, maybe your self-esteem has taken a blow and you’re worried that you won’t be successful in life.

On the other hand, perhaps your child is dealing with academic difficulties. Maybe they’re continually falling behind on their homework, struggling to stay organized, and daydreaming during school. You’ve probably begun to sense that their learning style is different from other kids.

The truth is that having a different learning style is not a bad thing—many brilliant people learn differently from the average person. These differences can be harnessed to your advantage in life, and that’s part of our mission at Huntington Psychological Services. We provide diagnostic evaluations for children and adults with learning disabilities and offer tailored strategies and interventions to support their personal and educational growth. We want to help you connect with your strengths, get access to helpful accommodations, and improve your work and school performance.

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Early Intervention Is Crucial With Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities are incredibly common. So many children and adults struggle with learning challenges that affect their academic, social, and professional lives. According to the National Center for Learning Disabilities, about one in five kids has learning and attention issues like dyslexia and ADHD.*

Because of the increasing awareness around these issues, the need for testing has grown exponentially. Learning disability testing can help people identify specific learning disabilities in reading, writing, and math. They can also help people distinguish whether their difficulties stem from ADHD, anxiety, or insufficient practice, offering a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. Early identification and intervention can lead to tailored educational strategies and support, promoting better academic outcomes, improved performance at work, and increased self-esteem.

People With Learning Disabilities Are Often Profoundly Misunderstood

Without proper assessment, people with learning disabilities may miss out on essential services or accommodations at school or work, which can adversely affect their academic and professional success. Misunderstandings and lack of awareness from teachers, employers, and peers can exacerbate feelings of isolation. Many people are simply told to “Just try harder” or “Pay better attention.” They often internalize these messages and come to believe that there’s something wrong with them.

Learning disability testing is a chance to flip these negative beliefs on their head and understand that learning disabilities do not define a person’s potential or capabilities. With the right help and support, individuals with learning disabilities can excel and achieve remarkable success in their personal, educational, and professional lives.

Learning Disability Testing Can Help You Understand Your Differences and Create a Plan for Success

Learning disability evaluations provide a comprehensive “blueprint” of you or your child’s unique learning profile, identifying both strengths and areas requiring support. These assessments help identify specific learning challenges and their underlying causes, allowing for tailored interventions and strategies that can significantly improve academic performance and self-esteem. You can expect to gain valuable insights into cognitive and academic abilities, receive personalized, detailed recommendations, and earn practical skills to support your professional or educational journey.

Huntington Psychological Services offers comprehensive learning disability assessments for disabilities in reading (dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia), and math (dyscalculia). Additionally, our evaluations include a broad screening for a variety of other conditions (ADHD, anxiety, depression, giftedness, intellectual disabilities, etc.) to ensure that we don’t miss anything. Our warm and kind approach is strength-based, solution-focused, and research-backed, utilizing the most up-to-date academic achievement and neuropsychological tests. Our highly trained and experienced team consistently participates in new training programs, conferences, and workshops to ensure that our assessment techniques remain at the forefront of the field.

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How the Assessment Process Works

We administer assessments for cognitive abilities, memory, and attention/executive functioning, along with additional tests as needed. Learning disability testing follows a simple three-step assessment process:

  • Step one: Intake (in-person or Zoom)—You and your clinician will meet for a one-to-two-hour interview (parent-only for youth assessments) to discuss goals and concerns and craft a tailored evaluation plan.
  • Step two: Testing (in-person only)—This will be a daylong session where you or your child will perform various tasks and activities to understand how you think, learn, and process information, enabling us to get a better picture of your strengths and weaknesses. Testing is usually done in a day, but occasionally it requires additional sessions.
  • Step three: Feedback (in-person or Zoom)—when the testing process is done, your clinician will review the assessment results with you and offer specific recommendations for further support. If a diagnosis is identified, it will be shared. Roughly two weeks after the feedback session, a written report will be sent out containing all the results and recommended resources.

All in all, the learning disability testing process takes about six weeks to complete, with an extra two weeks generally needed for the written report. By understanding your unique learning profile and your strengths, as well as your challenges, we can leverage these strengths and work together to create a plan for success so you or your child can reach your full potential.

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You May Have Some Questions and Concerns About Learning Disability Testing…

Can I afford a learning disability assessment, and will it be worth the cost?

Investing in a high-quality learning disability evaluation requires a significant financial commitment, but the cost is small compared to the benefits. You can learn lifelong skills, increase your self-esteem, and gain access to valuable services and accommodations. Opting for cheaper, faster, and less comprehensive evaluations can result in wasted time, money, and effort, providing few answers and more frustration. It’s worth investing in your well-being, and that’s what the testing process is all about.

Will insurance cover the cost of a learning disability?

Our practice is out-of-network (OON) with all health insurance plans. However, many individuals have plans that can reimburse some of your costs for OON treatments. To make things easier, we’ve partnered with Reimbursify, which simplifies the process of filing insurance claims and reduces the hassle of OON claims. Submitting your claim takes just minutes, and you can receive your payment more quickly. For more details, please feel free to contact us.

Can an evaluation help me get accommodations at school?

Yes, a learning disability evaluation can help you obtain accommodations at school. With a formal diagnosis, you can access resources and services designed to support your success, such as an IEP and 504 plan, ensuring that you have an opportunity to perform to the best of your abilities. We provide recommendations for accommodations on a case-by-case basis, prioritizing what we believe is in the best interests of our clients based on our professional judgment.

You Can Thrive Even With a Learning Disability

If you suspect that you or your child has a learning disorder, we encourage you to pursue our testing services and get the support and accommodations you need to succeed. To learn more about learning disability testing and assessment, schedule a free consultation call or contact us.